“Swab the deck, ye landlubber!” Swabbing the deck is the way that pirates and sailors cared for their ship decks, but you may be curious how to care for your wood deck at your home. Decks are a wonderful addition to your house and garden, and are often used to accommodate outdoor furniture. Many people attach decks to their homes because they add a certain extra level of comfort to their backyards as well as give the home a higher property value if the homeowners decide to sell. Read further to learn more about decks and how you can care for your wood deck.
Regular Maintenance
The first tip to help you care for your wooden deck is to make sure you are doing regular maintenance. This includes sweeping off dirt and sand that has tracked onto the deck. In the fall, making sure that leaves and sticks are removed from your deck is also a good idea. Decks are built to withstand a lot of weight, so you do not need to worry about shoveling snow unless it gets about 3 feet.
Screws and nails can come loose over time so be sure to check the wood in the railings and the floors of the deck to verify that they are securely fastened in place. If you see a loose nail, remove it and replace it in order to avoid somebody stepping on it or the board becoming unstable.

Seal The Deck
An important tip that will help you care for your wood deck is to seal the wood. If your deck has not already been sealed or stained, it is critical that you have it done as soon as possible. Having a protective layer on your deck makes it easier to clean, will help keep it in good condition and look nicer for much longer. Sealing your deck also helps protect it from elements like rain, snow and sunlight. Your deck will most likely need to be resealed every couple years. Make sure to sand the deck before applying a sealant.
Replace Damaged Parts
Even with other protective measures in place, your deck will likely have a point where a board becomes damaged. A plank could rot or split. If something heavy is dropped on the deck, a board could splinter or dent. It is important to replace boards that are damaged as soon as you notice that they have been broken for safety reasons and to keep your deck looking pristine. It is also smart to replace screws and nails as soon as you notice that they have come loose.
Consider Your Plants
Another consideration to help you care for your deck is to make sure that your landscaping will work well. If you are putting in a deck and you do not have any plants in the backyard, make sure to put the trees or other tall plants further away from the deck. This way, you will avoid getting debris on your deck. Also make sure to cover plants when you are spraying sealants on your deck so that they are not harmed.
Periodical Deep Cleanings
The last tip for caring for your deck is to have it professionally cleaned every so often. Pressure cleaning can help ensure that dirt does not get into the nitty-gritty parts of your deck. Pressure cleaning is also very efficient and convenient. Doing one pressure wash can make your deck look much fresher and get rid of any stuck-on grime.
Want More Tips To Help Care For Your Wood Deck?
Here at Innovative Pressure Wash, we offer services to help keep your deck in tip-top shape. If you have more questions about caring for your deck, we are happy to help answer them. For more information about our services or to get a quote, contact us today.