Fences are helpful equipment for creating barriers, enclosing animals, and keeping out unwanted visitors. Fences have become a modern expression of art, wealth, and Americanism. The connotation of the classic phrase, “a house with a white picket fence,” demonstrates this phenomenon well. However, your fence will not stay white if it is not properly maintained. Following are several tips for maintaining your fence that may come in handy in the future.

Tips For Maintaining Your Fence
Prune Greenery And Trees Near Your Fences
Having nice landscaping and green space can feel good as a homeowner, as it makes your property look nice and put together. However, it is important to consider your fence when placing plants. If you have trees that have branches overhanging your fence, then you will have more work cut out for you to keep the fence clean. If your area experiences a lot of storms you may have to repair your fence if branches fall on the fence. Also, be sure to plant bushes a far enough distance from your fence so that your fence does not get any scratches.
Watch For Rust
Especially if you have metal or vinyl fences, it is important to be on the lookout for rusty spots. Rust creeps up on fences slowly but consistently if the inner layer of the fence has been exposed to air and water. Luckily, if rust spots are dealt with the moment they appear, they are much easier to deal with. Make sure to address rust quickly in order to avoid any further damage to your fence.
Make Repairs When Necessary
The longer you have a fence, the more likely it will be that you will need to make repairs. Especially if you have a wooden fence, there is the potential for breakage and rot over time. Animals can also make holes in your fence, which will have to be patched up. Luckily, if repairs are made over time, your fence will be able to last much longer. Take note of your fence inspections and make the necessary repairs as soon as possible.
Wash Your Fence Regularly
The best way to keep your fence clean and looking great is to wash it regularly. We recommend having your fence washed once a year. With power washing services your fences can look bright and good as new. Power washing can remove dust, dirt, grime, peeling paint, rust, and other unsightly substances from your fences. We at Innovative Pressure Cleaning offer state-of-the-art power washing services that will quickly and effectively leave your fence looking great.
Conduct Routine Inspections
Maintaining your fence begins with a fairly quick and easy inspection. Physically surveying your fence occasionally can ensure that the previous issues are not present. It is important to walk the perimeter of your fence and look for rust, broken sections, overhanging branches, peeling paint, holes, and other issues every once in a while. Catching these problems early will save you a world of problems in the future and help your fence last for a long time.
Do You Need Fence Maintenance?
If you are looking for a quick and convenient way to clean your fence, consider reaching out to us at Innovative Pressure Cleaning. Our pressure cleaning service can easily remove a variety of unwanted materials from the surface of your fence. Power washing services are great for vinyl and metal fences, but you may want to consider other options when it comes to wooden fences. Our technicians offer fast, effective service and are sensitive to your individual needs. For more information, feel free to reach out to us today.